~its all written down in my lifelines... its all written down inside my heart~
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
common mistakes men make
1- Forgetting her comfort zoneJust because you know you're a nice guy, that doesn't mean she will. It is important to realize that most women will be on their guard when you first approach them. This is normal, and the important thing is for you to come across as a harmless guy. A little humor usually helps.
2- Trying to fool her The second biggest error most men make is that they don't give women enough credit and respect. Most men think that they can fool a woman into giving them their number. Women know that you're trying to pick them up, so don't beat around the bush. Be direct and let them know exactly what you want. By doing so, you'll come across as a confident and straightforward guy.
3- Approaching without a planSome people can improvise successfully, but regardless of the case, having a plan always helps your chances of coming across as a person she might consider dating.
4- Acting like a pervert A lot of men sabotage their chances with women by keeping their eyes aimed down at their breasts. Instead, keep your eyes locked onto hers. You want her to think that you're the knight in shining armor who's going to sweep her off her feet -- not the dog who's just sniffing any old fire hydrant ready to mark his territory.
how soon do you let a woman know that you are "interested" in her?
*btol ke...taktau ler pulak
signs of love
*She respects your space and doesn't interrogate you.
*She is always happy for you and looks out for your best interests at all times.
*She trusts you wholeheartedly.
*She wants the best for you and is selfless.
*The two of you can go a while without sex and your relationship does not weaken.
*She prides herself in knowing everything about you.
*She is always there for you.
*Her face lights up and glows when she sees you.
The most important thing to remember is that actions speak much louder than words; in fact, they speak volumes.
So even if you're girlfriend does not actually say that she loves you in a verbal testimony, don't assume that she doesn't love you or that she does not feel "love". She may just have trouble vocalizing it, or she simply isn't aware that she loves you at the moment.
Her actions, and the time the two of you spend together, should be a clear indication of her feelings for you. Love is a strong word and should not be used in vain or abused. So, even if it's not love as of yet, it doesn't mean that the two of you don't have something extremely special that everyone else would love to possess.
top 10: things you should never tell a woman
Number 9 - You have insecurities.Do you feel jealous of your best friend's looks or his sweet new car? Or do you envy your girlfriend's status, job or salary? Everyone has their share of insecurities, but in the dating world, it's vital that you keep these insecurities under your hat. One of the most important things a woman looks in a man is confidence, and if she sees that you are constantly insecure and jealous, you won't seem so poised. So if you can't put a stop to your insecurities and your green-eyed monster, at least try to keep it to yourself.
Number 8 - You flirt with other women.If you are a flirty type of guy, she probably knows it already. In fact, you probably flirted with her before you got together. Having said that, she doesn't need to hear the list of women that you flirted with all day, nor does she need to hear about the list of women that flirted with you. If it really is harmless flirting, then why make her worry about it?
Number 7 - You have wimpy behavior.Okay, so you don't kill spiders, you run away from fights and maybe you even cry during movies. Unfortunately for you, the cliché is true: Women like strong men. So telling her that you're afraid of an itty-bitty insect or that you can't stand heights isn't going to work in your favor. Naturally, if you are going to be with her in the long term, she might learn some of these little factoids as you go along. But do your best not to divulge them all in the beginning.
Number 6 - You compare her to your ex-girlfriend in bed.Needless to say, everyone does this; she is probably also comparing you to her ex to some extent. But do avoid offering her specific details about your past conquests, specifically the fact that your past lover was better than her in bed. In fact, even if you are telling her that she is better than your ex, this is a bad can of worms to open. No woman wants to be compared to another, especially in the sexual department.
Number 5 - You talk to your mother too often.Do you talk to mom several times a day? To a woman you're dating, that could be a little intimidating. A woman doesn't want to feel like she's competing with your mother, or worse, that you're dependent on mommy. So just keep that cute little secret to yourself.
Number 4 - You have not-so-cool hobbies.So you might keep a collection of Transformers in your underwear drawer or be fascinated by things like Faberge eggs. But you have to realize that it is unlikely that she will appreciate your wacky interests and hobbies. Don't fool yourself into thinking that such quirks are charming; chances are, they'll just be a real turnoff.
Number 3 - You don't like her girlfriends.What's the only thing worse than having the hots for her girlfriends? You guessed it: talking badly about her girlfriends in front of her. Or even divulging that you think her friends are anything but sweet and fabulous people. Most of her girlfriends have been in her life longer than you have, so talking negatively about them probably won't work out too well for you. If she doesn't end things with you entirely, she's sure to at least become defensive and angry about this -- so if you absolutely need to trash her girlfriends, just make sure she's not within earshot.
Number 2 - You've done shameful things in the past.You might think that the two of you are close enough for you to reveal these little tidbits. But unfortunately, she'll never be ready to hear that you've cheated on past girlfriends or that you've enjoyed private dances at strip clubs. Even non-sexual shameful acts that you've committed -- like theft, bullying or betrayals -- are not things that you want to divulge. While you might want to get some of these secrets off your chest, she will never forget them. And you'll come off looking like a less moral or honest person as a result.
Number 1 - You find one of her friends smoking hot.So you think that blonde friend of hers is cute? Fair enough. But do have the sense not to mention it to your girlfriend -- not even as a joke. She won't find it funny; actually, she will probably be angry and hurt, and in the long run, she'll never trust you around her friends. You might think that your girlfriend is secure enough to handle this piece of information, but let me tell you that she's not. Most girls aren't, so don't risk it.
signs she's not interested in you
2. You're always the one calling her and/or she doesn't return your phone calls. Watch out, she may be avoiding you; and if she's not avoiding you, you are not on her mind and she simply forgot. Either way, this means that she has less invested than you and doesn't care enough to actively seek out your company.Here's a rule of thumb: If she doesn't return your first call, call a second time, as she may be playing hard to get. If she doesn't return your second call, you can rightly conclude that she's not into you. (Do allow a certain amount of leeway on this point; women have been told by umpteen dating books to let the man do the pursuing. She should be calling you at least once for every three times you call her.)
3. She avoids eye contact and physical proximity. This is an obvious sign that many men overlook. If she is attracted to you, she will naturally want to be close to you and make eye contact. If she is evading your gaze, however, she may be consciously trying to avoid leading you on and having to turn down your advances later. It's a sneaky little trick, but it usually works. Take it as a sign that you're not her type. If she keeps you at arm's length at all times, she may also be protecting her personal space, so make sure you don't get too close.
4. She mentions other guys she finds attractive. No, she's probably not trying to make you jealous (unless we are dealing with an ex-girlfriend, a situation that belongs in another category altogether). Most likely, though, you are in the "friend zone," which means that you are just like one of her girlfriends that she shares her thoughts with. Ergo, it has never even crossed her mind to date you. Not good.
5. She tries to set you up with another woman. She might do this because, like in signal No. 4, it never crossed her mind to date you. Alternatively, she might do this because she likes you as a friend but wants to make certain you don't hit on her. Either way, the message is clear: She definitely doesn't want you for herself.
6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes. If she is consistently stone-faced when you crack jokes, then you can conclude two important things. First, she doesn't find your sense of humor engaging, and second, she doesn't like you enough to bother to pretend otherwise. Here's a shocker: Whether or not she laughs at your jokes doesn't necessarily have to do with whether or not she finds them funny. Laughing is a form of flirting, and if she isn't doing it, you can be pretty sure her mind isn't on you.
7. She is always vague about making plans. If she really wants to see you, she'll make firm plans. If she doesn't want to see you, or doesn't care one way or another, you can be pretty sure that she's not into you. If she is vague about making plans, it probably means that she is neutral about being in your company, or even worse, that she doesn't want to commit in case something better comes up. Ouch.
8. She regularly cancels plans with you. Let me break it to you gently: You are the fall guy, the "just in case she doesn't have anything better to do" guy. It is certainly fair to cancel plans occasionally for a legitimate reason, but if she bails consistently, ditch her, even as a friend. If she does this, it not only shows that she's not interested, but that she holds little respect for you at all. Move on, and do it quickly.
9. Her description of the perfect man sounds nothing like you.She tells you she wants a Mediterranean man who can dance salsa. You are Swedish and can only square dance. I know; women rarely stick to what they say are the perfect traits they are looking for in a man. And indeed, she may actually end up with a square-dancing Swede, but in all likelihood, it won't be with you. Take this as a kind hint on her part that you, for whatever reason, are not her perfect man.
If she exhibits one of the above signs, it doesn't bode well for your cause. If she exhibits two to three of these signs, you can be pretty certain that she's not interested. If you are noticing more than three of the above signs, listen carefully, because it's never going to happen.I know from experience that an unreciprocated crush can be a big blow to one's self-esteem. So do yourself a favor and don't prolong the inevitable. If, after reading the above list, you can gather that she isn't going to respond to your advances, put yourself out of your misery -- just cut your losses and move on. Repeat this mantra to yourself until it sticks: She's just not into you.
guess what?I've been dumped!again!
*30 march 2006
updated version
kehkehkeh ni ceghite dulu so takde kene-mengena ngan skarang...masa ni zaman kegelapan aku...memang bulan problem aku...nyah ko dr sini aku takmo lalui balik jaman-jaman ke'down'nan aku
Dua manusia yang merasa saling berjodoh pasti memiliki ikatan emosional, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya. Hanya dengan menatap mata atau mendengar suaranya, kita akan merasakan getaran dan seolah ingin terus bersamanya.Benarkah seperti itu?Lalu, apakah ada petanda lainnya agar seseorang dapat merasakan bahawa si dia jodoh (soulmate) kita atau bukan?
Petanda 1
Rahsia sepasang kekasih agar dapat memiliki usia hubungan yang panjang adalah dengan adanya saling kerjasama. Kamu dan dia selalu dapat saling membantu, dalam urusan remeh atau besar. Paling penting adalah kamu berdua selalu dapatmelalui segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Apakah kamu sudah merasakan perkara tersebut?Jika ya, selamat... kerana ada harapan bahawa diaadalah calon pendamping hidup kamu!
Petanda 2
Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan sesuai atau tidaknya dia sebagai jodoh kamu atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap bersahaja di depan kamu. Cuba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak-gerinya,caranya berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apa adanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat? Jika tidak, maafkemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh kamu!
Petanda 3
Adanya deria batiniah membuat hati kamu berdua dapat selalu saling tahu. Dan bila kamu atau si dia dapat saling membaca fikiran dan menduga reaksiserta perasaannya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Sebenarnya dialah destini kebahagian kamu...
Petanda 4
Bersamanya dapat membuat perasaan kamu menjadi tenang, selesa dan tanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari tanpa membuat kamu merasa bosan... Inilah petanda bahawa kamu berdua kelakakan saling terikat.
Petanda 5
Dia selalu ada untuk kamu dalam situasi apapun.Dan dia selalu dapat memahami situasi dalam hati kamu baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang-surut, suka-duka saat bersama. Sekarang,ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala kamu dirundung musibah? Dia selalu faham saat emosi kamu terganggu? Dia tahu keadaan waktu anda sakit? Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya...
Petanda 6
Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga kamu, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu kamu saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya... Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berarti dia sudah siap menerima kamu apa adanya..
Petanda 7
Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan kamu tak malu-malu perlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat kamu tampil 'buruk' di depannya sekalipun, misalnya saat kamu bangun tidur atau saat kamu sakit dan tak mandi selama dua hari.Ataupun menceritakan sejujurnya kepada kamu tentang kelemahan dan kekurangannya... Nah! Kamu dan dia memangnya disuratkan untuk bersama!
Petanda 8
Bila merasa rahsia kamu bisa lebih selamat di tangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat kamu yang lain. Atau kamu merasa sudah tak dapat lagi menyimpan rahsia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Kerana ini bererti pasangan sejati telah kamu temukan!
Apakah kelapan petanda di atas telah kamu temukan padanya?
*21 march 2006
p/s:aku penah jumpe kelapan-lapan petanda ni kat someone tp aku pelik aku taktau samada dia penah baca menda ni jadi dia buat buat mcm ade kelapan-lapan petanda tu semata-mata nak convince kan kat aku yg dia memang sesuai utk aku....atau mmg dia mmg ngam ngan aku tp jodoh takde...cemane tu...tahla...hurmm...
its hard for me...
*5 march 2006
*5 march 2006
*3 march 2006
tunang to be
*2 march 2006
updated version
aku igt lagi masa ieja call aku bgtau nak bertunang tu aku terus call sham bgtau yg member aku nak tunang dan aku rasa sedih...dia ckp jgn la sedih dah jodoh dia nak buat cemane...dia la kawin dulu...masa tu aku igt lagi aku rasa kosong sgt....hurmm
*28 february 2006
Please don't come around
Talking 'bout that you love me
Cause that love shit don’t do for me
I don't wanna hear that you adore me
And I know that all you're doing is runnin' your mind games
Don't you know that game beats game?
So your best bet is to be straight with me
So you say you wanna talk, let's talk
If you won't talk, I'll walk
Yeah it's like that I got a new man,
he's waiting out back
Now what, what you think about that?
Now when I say I'm through, I'm through
Basically I'm through with you
What’cha wanna say?
Had to have it your way, had to play games
And now you're beggin' me to stay
There you go, looking pitiful
Just because I let you go
There you go, talking 'bout you want me back
But sometimes it be's like that
So there you go talking 'bout you miss me so
That you love me so
Why I let you go?
Babe you know cause your lies got old
Now look at you there you go
Please don't come around
Talking about how you changed
How you said good-bye to oh’ ‘what's her name?’
All it sounds like to me is new game
And I was right when I thought
I'd be much better off without you
Had to get myself around you
Cause my life was all about you
So you say you wanna talk,
don't Say you wanna change, I won't
Yeah it's like that You had your chance, won't take you back
Now what, what you think about that? (about that)
Now when I say I'm through, I'm through
Basically I'm through with you
What’cha wanna say?
Had to have it your way, had to play games
Now you're begging me to stay
Repeat 1
you wish you could turn the hands of time?
Don’t you wish that you were still mine?
Don’t you wish I'd take you back?
Don’t you wish that things were simple like that, oh
Didn’t miss a good thing till it's gone
I knew it wouldn't be long
you came runnin' back
my love, there you go
*27 february 2006
'horror'scope freak
*23 february 2006
updated version
aku setat bace balik horoscope lepas kenal ngan bigfoot tu....skang ni aku addicted balik...aku kene stop!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
smalam punyer celiter
aku tau mesti ct risau aku mengamuk wakakak...yela aritu dia pon marah² bile sarah tu kensel buat asgmt costing last minute bleh plak dia buat asgmt lain ngan member dia...dah la dia membuat onar kate amy(member group aku lam malaysian economy)tak buat keje...nak gossip la tu...huh...tu yg kitorang beria dtg...tak kire ujan panas redah gak janji buat asgmt ngan dia taknak dia gi ckp bebukan kat bebudak lain...drop my water face tau!...aku dah la takde benda lain nak buat...aku dtg semata-mata buat asgmt!aku naik bas tau!aritu aku takde duit tau!iskkk sakitnye ati aku....ct yg dok dekat kp pon bengang padahal dia jalan kaki je gi unitar...pedih pedih!
sampai unitar aku dah set dlm pale nak gi buat course audit dulu...aku terus gi faculty call puan azila pastu aku settlekan hal tu...dlm opis pn azila dia tanye aku mcm²...dah biasa dah...aku dah nak masuk 25 dah...so soalan² mengenai aku tu mmg dah biasa dah...aku pon mcm dah set dlm pale nak jawap ape...sonok sebenanye kalau org taktau then bertanya secara elok...bkn main pajak je bile bercakap...aku ade problem ngan credit hours aku...terlebey...aku dah gumbira dah...budget tinggal 3 subjects ngan practical...walopon short sem bleh amik paling tinggi 9 credit hours je aku dah ckp kat en.misyer yg aku nak habiskan short sem sume tu...aku nak grad taun ni dan convo blan 9...dia kate bleh tolon...suke la aku...ni ade plak lagi 1 subject tertinggal dan aku plak tak pasan....kacauuuuu laaaaa.....pn.azila kire kire pastu dia kate sbb ade subject yg 4 credit hour campo plak ngan hrm yg mane tak dikire dlm completed hours...so memang aku kene abiskan 4 subjects tuh la...aduhhhh...aku dah mule pening...nak pitam pon ade...aku kuar dgn muke yg hampa...
pastu aku plan plak nak gi mane...perut aku lapo tp taktau nak makan kat mane...pastu aku pk pk...makan kat foodcourt Giant lah...aku igt nak makan nasik goreng tp tgklah ape yg ade...mase tu ujan,aku bukak payung..jgn mara slalunye aku redah je tp arini aku ayu² bukak payung jalan gi Giant...sampai Giant ade mamat kaco aku buat bodo...aku rasa buruk btol aku arini dgn muke berminyak² aku pon terus masuk toilet...*nature call*..pastu aku cuci tgn tgk muke aku...aduhhh kotor gile...ngan jerawat ngan berminyak complete!iskk ni yg nak gi cleopatra nih nak asapkan muke aku nih....bengong punye resdung...huhu...pastu aku jalan nak ke foodcourt sambil tgk kasut ngan beg...wahhh aku rambang mata....aku igt nak beli kasut keje...ngan beg..tp aku pk pk balik...duit tu dr membazir baik baya fees tp bkn cukup pon aku kene bayar byk gile!automatic je niat aku nak bershopping tergendala...terbantut keje shytorn...miahahah...udah tu aku naik escalator...ade dua org mamat kat escalator sebelah...diorang pandang aku aku pon pandang diorang...aku berani pandang la sbb aku rabun...pastu dah berselisih tu diorang kaco aku ehem ehem lah ape lah...aku tunduk je malu kunun ikikikiki...sampai kat foodcourt aku carik plak ape aku nak makan...jalan jalan aku tgk dried que tiaw..mcm shedap..aku order...pastu aku beli air..pastu ade org pegang bahu aku...sebbek tak tekejut....ct rupenye...dia suh aku join dia ngan ya..aku orait je...pastu dia bisik...ko ngan bf ko ke?alahaiiiiii aku kan dah cite aku dah break...kalo break tu maknanye aku single...kalo single maknanye aku takde bf...aduhhh...dia igt aku pasang dua tiga kot buat bekalan masa hadapan...oh puhhhleaseee...aku dah buat skali last last aku ilang dua dua skali...aku trauma!!hhahaha...cukup la skali aku buat aku taknak buat lagi lepas ni...aku serik laa :( siyesss....
lepak ngan ct ngan ya buat aku lupe pasal yg lain² tp aku still dibelenggu masalah outstanding balances tu...kitorang punye merapek sampai nak bom unitar haha...nak ugutlah ape lah...eh ni ckp kosong je..igt kitorang mampu ke nak beli bom...kalo mampu baik aku bayar outstanding balances aku tu bleh masuk final..huh...kalo dah merapek meraban tu mmg no satu...ckp tak hengat dunia...gelak sampai sakit perut aku...nangis nangis lagi...punye la seronok padahal dlm ati dok risau pasal fees...dah abis makan kitorang blah...aku tunggu feeder bus kat kp...
*dlm tren takdepe yg menarik sgt tp yg menariknye mase aku tunggu tren kat stesen kelana jaya...aku terjumpe classmate aku kat skola menengah...yusry!hensem mcm dulu tp kurus kecik je...dulu takde cikeding camni...aku plak gemok melampau-lampau...nak je aku tegur dia tp tak kesampaian hajat aku tu sebab org dok tolak aku dan dia pon ditolak oleh org lain....hmm....terjumpe camtu pon aku dah gembira gile apetah lagi kalo dpt bersembang mesti happy...dlm tren aku intai dia sampai dia ilang...bkn pasal dia ensem ar...tp sbb dia classmate aku....dia jenis lelaki yg bersopan....(yusry,awak jadi bf sy je lah eh *big grin* )ekekek dlm ati aku je tak berani aku ckp depan depan...
sampai cm pon takde ape yg menarik..aku naik bas turun bas...dlm bas aku msg zol ngan bob...zol kate nak call aku tghmalam kang...ok suke ati ko credit ko bkn aku pon miahaha...bob kate nak jumpe aku ajak kuar minum...aku pon ok je lah..
malam tu aku kuar ngan bob for the first time,bob member chat aku dlm kl3...dah staun lebey chat tp tak jumpe pon...diorang bising(adam,epain,zalid,peewit,bob,pelet)diorang byk kali ajak tp aku tolak...segan aku...aku rapat ngan diorang...member chat yg best la...stok kawan-kawan la diorang ni...bob ajak aku lepak nz tp then tuka plan lepak kat kedai pelet plak kat danau kota...pastu on the way gi kedai pelet,bob tepon peewit ajak lepak sama...so dlm aku jumpe bob aku jumpe 2 org lagi member chat aku...hehe skali harung org kate...sonok gak lepak ngan diorang..bob blanje aku makan...ikikiki...org sume pandang aku...yela bob besa aku kalo banding ngan bob kecik je...mesti mcm mcm dlm pale diorang...salah satu tu mesti kate 'eee besanye pakwe diaaa' ehehehe....HELLO dia kawan aku je tau!tak kuasa...sambil libas rambut aakakka....dlm 11.30pm kitorang blah....aku sampai umah aku lupe bawak kunci...panggey adik aku takde nyahut hangen je aku...last last aku panjat pagar rumah makcik aku...pagar umah aku taleh tinggi sgt...kang koyak kang...huhuhu...akhirnye slamat sampai umah dan tido dgn gembiranya... :)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
when i was small
*penah ckp kat bapak aku ade org ngorat aku dan secara automatik aku ade boipren.umo aku
6 taun gak time tu
*penah naik bumbung umah ngan kezen pastu kitorang bleh menari nari kat atas tu-gile kalo jatuh tak ke naya...mau kat kusi roda aku skang...
*penah kunci pintu bilik mak aku sbb aku ngan kezen men mekap mekap pastu akak aku sume ketuk pintu mcm nak pecah pintu tu..akakakak
*penah lompat dr atas lemari terus ke katil...sebbek tahan lasak katil tuh...ni pon ngan kezen aku gak...
*penah curik lilin kecik tu kat kedai nathan...hahahaha...tp kene tangkap pastu kene bebel ngan tuan punye kedai ni pon ngan kezen aku hahaha.tuan punye kedai tu skang kene stroke,sian plak :(
*kurus kedengking walopon kuat makan...skang ni mcm tong gas dan hobi makan tu masih diteruskan jugak dan aku berjaya menternak lemak dgn jayanya :)
*asik asik ajak mak aku gi makan 'kentangki'...kentucky la tuh...
*disebbkan aku ni suke minum susu...tak kire la susu aje ke..teh susu ke...penah mak aku suh aku kawin je ngan bai jaga lembu...dr situ aku bercita-cita kawin ngan bai lembu...senang nak minum susu... mase aku kecik laaaa...skang ni aku takmoh
*kalo mak aku ke akak aku suh gi kedai...aku akan balik sejam kemudian....aku round satu taman baru aku balik bawak barang yg dipesan...
*aku diajar membeli barang dapur seawal umur 8 taun,aku dah terer gi pasar beli sayur ngan ikan tp mesti kene tulis kat kertas nanti aku lupe.tp aku slalu confuse daun bawang ngan daun kucai slalu sgt lah aku salah beli
*aku kezen aku duorang ngan adik aku dah biasa melepak kat mapley dr kecik tanpa ditemani mak bapak atau kakak atau akak kitorang...kitorang makan roti canai 4 (sorang satu) tp teh ais 1 je kongsi 4 org...wakakkaa
*suke makan twisties...asal balik skola mesti beli twisties...patut la skang ade problem twisted mind...haha
*aku gile bersukan ape jenih skalipon asik muke aku je lar...sonok...pada aku skola rendah la jaman kegemilangan aku dan aku suke time skola rendah berbanding skola menengah
*aku ada tgk satu cite omputih pasal budak pompuan dlm umo 10 taun yg dok membayangkan sape yg bakal jadi husband dia...dan aku pon perasan jadi budak pompuan tu...hehe
peace bradeh!
skian tima kasyeh
*19 february 2006
all time fave
I hear the clock, it's six a.m.
I feel so far from where
I've beenGot my eggs and my pancakes too
Got my maple syrup, everything but you.
Break the yolks, make a smiley face
I kinda like it in my brand new place
I wipe the spots off the mirror
Don't leave the keys in the door
Never put wet towels on the floor anymore' cause
Dreams last so longeven after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you.
Called my momma, she was out for a walk
Consoled a cup of coffee but it didn't wanna talk
Picked up a paper, it was more bad news
More hearts being broken or people being used
Put on my coat in the pouring rain
Saw a movie it just wasn't the same
'Cause it was happy and I was sad
It made me miss you oh so bad
Dreams last so long Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you.
Go about my business,
I'm doin fine Besides, what would I say if I had you on the line
Same old story, not much to say
Hearts are broken, everyday.
Brush my teeth and put the cap back on
I know you hate it when
I leave the light onI pick a book up.
Turn the sheets down.
And take a deep breath and a good look around
Put on my pj's and hop into bedI'm half alive but I feel mostly dead
I try and tell myself it'll be all right
I just shouldn't think anymore tonight
Dreams last so long
Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
p/s:aku tak penah jemu denga lagu ni...first time denga mase aku kecik dulu tak igt umo bape...ni kire 'jatuh chenta pandang pertama' punye lagu la ni...sampai skang aku bleh denga lagu ni byk kali...skang ni byk lagu aku yg buat aku cepat bosan...asal aku berjaya hafal lirik dia je aku boring...tp lagu ni takde istilah boring utk aku
*26 january 2006
it's all about me
* You Put Your Partner/Relationship First
* You Make Events Magical
* You Are Unbelievably Thoughtful
* You Emanate Quality And Purpose In All That You Do
* You Give Your Heart Wholly And Willingly
* You Are A Rock - Stable And Dependable
* Your Capacity For Emotional Depth Is Remarkable
* You Are A Class Act
Why You're Not:
*You Tend To Blame Others For Your Unhappiness
*It's Hard For You To Relax (You Require A Purpose To Play)
*You Can Be Self-Righteous
*Tend To Be Moody
*You Can Be Unforgiving
*You Can Be Perfectionist To A Fault (Untrusting)
*You Can Be Too Controlling
*You May Give With Strings Attached
Your Needs:
*Need Your Partner To Understand You
*You Need To Feel Appreciated By Your Partner
*You Need To Be Good Morally
*You Need General Acceptance
Your Wants:
*You Want Security
*Want Autonomy
*Want Quality In All Aspects Of Your Life
*Want To Reveal Insecurities
Top 5 Turn-Ons:
*Being sincere and genuine
*Appreciating and understanding them
*Being thoughtful
*Expressing interest in personal details
*Behaving appropriately and being well mannered
Top 5 Turn-Offs:
*Being non-committal
*Becoming emotionally unavailable or dismissive
*Demanding spontaneity
*Promoting too much change
*Abandoning them / Being disloyal
p/s:mmg magic la test ni...sume pon btol
*26 january 2006
i want to share my feeling with others....but the problem is i dont know where to start and to whom i want to share it...when im feeling down the person yg aku nak call is my beloved sis...tp time time cenggini slalunye akak aku busy with her children lah...busy doing her things lah...blablabla...in the end aku simpan feeling aku tu sorang²....ade time aku happy gegile sampai yg gile pon tak happy cam aku....ade time plak aku moody teramat sampai aku sendirik takleh nak control (typical cancer huh)...ade time plak im feeling blue (cam arini) dan aku pon tatau nape....
td aku chitchatting while watching tv with my parents...aku cite pasal problems aku...sbenanye kalo aku cite problem aku secara x formal (eceh formal ikikikiki)maksudnye aku nak org denga je ape problem aku sbb kadang² aku tersangat la tensen nak simpan problem tu dlm ati je...aku suke luahkan problem aku kat org...certain ppl i mean...bile aku luahkan problem aku n ppl listen to me...then i feel relief...tu je aku nak...tp problemnye bile aku cite problem aku ngan parents aku,aku slalu kene bang balik...sampai aku rasa..ntah cemane aku nak ckp tah perasaan aku tu...tu la td aku kene...aku kontrol macho je dpn diorang...pastu pelan² aku amik hp aku amik bantal busuk aku pastu blah naik atas...dan skang ni aku berada dpn pc taip natang ni....hmm lega plak rasanye aku dah taip kat sini....
* 24 januari 2006
*22 january 2006
perhaps love exists in our reality yet it seems so distant
Somebody once told me that "Finding the right person is very hard and very wrong".It is best to be the right person for the one you love and start from there.You'll always end up disappointed when you set standards and define a "right person" for you and don't rush things coz somewhere somehow God is preparing somebody for you.You can never be perfect, the person you love can never be perfect but both of you can be perfect through love and prayers, and your love can be perfect through the both of you.But, no relationship is complete without God...
That's why we have marriage.It's a bond not only between you and your loved one, but also with God.Our relationships fail not because (s)he's not the right person.It's because we expected too much and we decided on our own.Let God do the work.You may call it waiting time... but while you are waiting... pray.
Let God guide you always. He knows better. No, He knows best.Love is not what you think it is... Sometimes we mistakenly feel that our first relationship will be our last. Because we are overwhelmed with joy and romance, we forget to learn the meaning of true love. Some are saying that love is unselfish, blind, unconditional or simply denying oneself for the sake of someone very important in our life.
Others are saying love is immortal and can never be defined. When we think we're in love the first thing we almost wanted the whole world to know is that our love for someone very special can never be taken away from us.We say this phrase, "You are the most wonderful gift from GOD I have ever received." After a terrible fight or sometimes even a petty quarrel we then say "You are the biggest mistake I've ever made for my entire life!!" Now, how do you say and spell the word L-O-V-E? Are you really deeply into it?
Nobody can tell what love really is until experience speaks andwhispers right into our ears. Most of the time, these love promises like "Forever, Till Death do us apart, etc." would end up "Never" and "We should part ways, I'm no longer happy with you! My love for you is DEAD!!!"
Many times we thought after having committed to someone and yourtrust to one another freezes down to zero degree "S/He ain't the right one. I should probably wait for the right one to come." But the big question anyone could not answer is "Is she/he the right one?" and "When is the right time?" That made us stick to whom we are with. Will you always be waiting for the right person to come and the right time to commit? A big YES is the answer.
Don't be in a hurry to get into a relationship because you can never find love if you insist that you are already into it. Try to find time to really understand your real feelings, to know who you really are, and what you really want in a relationship.
You're right, There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there's a compatible partnership that goes along with it. If you already knew that you're too big to fit into a small sized t-shirt, don't give it a try.
You'll probably break it and pay for the damages you have made. If you knew and felt that the relationship will not last, don't go deeper into it.You'll just suffer the consequences and live like hell the rest of your life.It's really hard to say goodbye though, but you can't make it any better by just pretending you still have the same feelings.Try to let go and give yourself a chance to live life to the fullest.Give yourself a chance to grow and give your heart a much needed attention.Then you will find that you have made the right decision and you made it all by yourself.More frequently than not, we all act in a hypocritical manner for some reason.
We call it love when we can't leave someone and see them crying as we try to let go.We are wrong, its just pity.We call it love when we're too attached and think that losing the one we love will somehow make us weak and unable to face the storms of life. We misunderstood, its just that we're too much dependent to them.We call it love when we give our whole life to them, the wholeness of us and imagined that if they leave no one would accept us and our past. We are mistaken, its just insecurity. But no matter what the definition is, the truth still remains that love isn't something you can buy nor beg. It is real and existing. You can't touch it but you can feel it in your heart.You can't find it, but it will knock before you when you least expect it to come.It can make you the Happiest soul in heaven, but don't forget that it also can make you the most miserable person in the whole galaxy.
*6 october 2005 (amek dr blog frenster aku)
Monday, April 24, 2006
i hate...
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car(tak relevan...aku takdak license keta apetah lagik huhu)
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots (tak relevan gak,dia takde kasut yg bleh dikategorikan 'big dumb')
And the way you read my mind(its used to scare me...freaky sesgt sbb dia bleh baca ape dlm pale aku...tp skang ni dia bleh baca lagi ke tak..or he dont even care?hurmm)
I hate you so much that it makes me sick(akakaka bile dia jadik pushy)
It even makes me ryhme
I hate the way you're always right(ni pon buat aku sakit otak gak)
I hate it when you lie(tak penah tau dia tipu tp aku rasa mcm kene tipu...mcm je)
I hate it when you make me laugh(aku suke denga dia bercerite,melawak,bersembang ngan mak dia n aku suke dia tanye aku 'kenapa?'...sume ni bleh buat aku gelak!)
Even worse when you make me cry(yg ni aku tak suke uwaaaa)
I hate the way you're not around(btol sgt² dan aku taktau nape dia tak faham)
And the fact that you didn't call(so true lar)
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. (eh ni ade sikit geram muahaha)
blood type
Jenis darah selain boleh menjadi panduan utk menentukan diet yg sesuai, ternyata boleh juga meneropong watak dan keperibadian seseorg. Hasil kajian yg dilakukan di Jepun terhdp beberapa jenis darah, ada beberapa keperibadian tertentu yg dikatakan sesuai dgn jenis darah org yg berkaitan. You all boleh lihat sendiri apakah antara anda SUAMi ISTERi mempunyai keserasian dan sifat-sifat tertentu berdasarkan penelitian dibawah ini:
Ini adalah jenis pemimpin. Saat melihat sesuatu yg diinginkan, org dgn kumpulan darah ini akan berusaha mencapainya. Anda juga termasuk trend-sitter, setia, punya daya juang tinggi dan percaya diri yg kukuh. Kelemahan anda adalah mudah cemburu, agak sombong dan cenderung amat kompetetif. Betul tak????
Anda suka keselarasan, kedamaian dan organisasi. Boleh bekerjasama dgn baik dgn org lain, peka, sabar dan penuh perhatian. Namun kelemahan anda adalah tidak boleh melakukan sesuatu dgn santai dan cenderung keras kepala..
Anda punya tabiat keras dan individualis, suka terus-terang tanpa memikirkan org lain dan melakukan segala sesuatu dgn cara sendiri. Namun anda juga kreatif & fleksibel & boleh beradaptasi dgn mudah terhadap situasi. Namun kelemahan yg anda miliki adalah cenderung terlalu mandiri, yg boleh merugikan..
Dingin dan terkawal, makanya tak menghairankan teman menjadikan anda sebagai tpt berkongsi cerita, terutama urusan perasaan dan hati. Anda dlahirkan untuk menghibur org lain secara semulajadi. Namun sayangnya anda cenderung moody dan sukar membuat keputusan, kadang-kadang boleh menyakiti hati orang lain.
aku rasa blood type aku 'B' tp aku rasa mcm tak kene ngan aku...aku more to blood type 'AB'..tatau lah...aku tak penah check pon
Sunday, April 23, 2006
aritu sy call nak tanye pasal buku awak tu wheter awak nak blk ke tak.since u dont want to answer the phone so i bet i will never have a chance to tell directly to u.i assume u dont want those books n i dont see why i should keep it.i gave it to my fren,just in case u want it back i dont have it with me.i should thank u for all the explainations but still i regret it coz i can ask u no more.just wondering dlm bz2 awk,u still have time chatting rite now.guess who will be next to see all ur dramas,crying and swearing in God's name.as if u act ur age *****
off my hp tommorow morning i on balik...guess wut he replied....all the blabla thingy n terima kasih sbb tak buang...huh...puas ati aku...u got served!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Sebenarnya rambut, gaya rambut dan juga warna rambut anda juga mewakili perasaan yang tertentu? Marilah tukar rambut anda!! Dalam 4 warna di bawah ini, mana satukah yang menjadi pilihan anda?
A. Merah
B. Emas
C. Biru
D. Hijau
A. Anda tidak akan memikirkan perkara lain selain KEBeBASAN. Anda sangat menitikberatkan perjalanan hidup anda. Jadi, mustahil anda akan dikongkong oleh seseorang atau sesuatu perkara.
B. Anda suka sesuatu yang mencabar kerana anda tidak ingin hidup anda tawar?. Anda bukan sahaja inginkan kepuasan dari segi kebendaan malah juga inginkan kepuasan dari segi mental atau rohani.
C. Anda adalah seorang yang bersyukur dengan apa yang anda ada. Oleh itu, anda selalu riang dan gembira. Tetapi mustahil anda tiada keinginan, Cuma apa yang anda inginkan tidaklah begitu banyak.
D. Anda adalah seorang yang manja. Anda inginkan orang lain menumpukan perhatian pada anda. Anda suka disayangi, dibelai dan dikasihi. Anda ingin diri anda menjadi tumpuan ramai.
Test 2: Uji Sejauh Mana Anda Berasa Segan Dengan Si Dia
Pada suatu hari anda telah disahkan menghidap penyakit pelik dan dikehendaki menerima rawatan di hospital. Rawatan yang mana satukah anda berasa sangat sengsara?
1. 7 hari tidak dibenarkan makan
2. Masukkan salur ke dalam perut
3. Disuntik sebanyak 30 suntikan
4. Rambut dan bulu roma dicukur
1. Tahap Keseganan 45%Orang yang memilih jawapan ini adalah seorang yang tidak suka dipaksa. Tidak perlu buat lawak untuk mengambil hatinya. Tetapi apabila muncul pihak ketiga, maka dia akan membuat sedikit perubahan seperti memberi hadiah atau kata-kata manis
2. Tahap Keseganan 20%Orang yang memilih jawapan ini mengharapkan suasana yang harmoni dan gembira apabila bersama. Jadi, dia tidak kisah untuk buat apa saja untuk membuat si dia gembira. Dia berharap dengan cara ini maka dapat menyampaikan isi hatinya pada si dia.
3. Tahap Keseganan 1%Orang yang membuat pilihan ini langsung tidak mengerti soal segan dalam cinta. Dia mementingkan keseronokan saja. Tak perlu ada segan dengan si dia. Tapi pastikan si dia tidak mempunyai masalah lemah jantung supaya si dia tidak terkejut dengan apa yang dibuatnya.
4. Tahap Keseganan 80%Orang yang memilih jawapan ini adalah seorang yang sangat muka nipis. Dia lebih mementingkan maruah diri. Walaupun terdapat salah anggap atau si dia tidak memahami, dia pun takkan membuat sebarang penjelasan.
Test 3: Uji Aspek Keutamaan Ketika Bercinta
Kadang kala kita akan menghadapi keraguan untuk memilih cinta, buku atau pekerjaan. Sebenarnya apabila difikirkan dengan teliti, kesemua perkara dapat dijalankan dengan sistematik. Tapi, apabila anda tidak mehana kerinduan pada kekasih, maka anda akan tahu apa itu kesengsaraan bercinta. Marilah kita melihat keadaan anda apabila bercinta!
Esok ada peperiksaan, tetapi rancangan TV sedang menyiarkan filem yang anda ingin tonton. Apakah yang akan anda lakukan?
1. Menonton TV
2. Merakan filem itu.
3. Sambil menonton dan sambil mengulangkaji
4. Mengulangkaji
1. Kategori Cinta Diutamakan
Anda adalah seorang yang akan memberi keutamaan kepada cinta berbanding dengan aspek lain. Walaupun anda sibuk dengan kerja anda atau kena mengulangkaji, asalkan terfikir ingin berjumpa si dia, maka anda akan mengetepikan semua perkara yang anda sedang buat lalu pergi mencari si dia. Tapi ingat, kena memikirkan pendiriannya juga.
2. Kategori Mempunyai Perancangan
Anda mempunyai perancangan supaya cinta, kerja atau membaca buku dapat dijalankan secara sistematik dan tersusun. Anda adalah calon suami atau isteri yang bestari. Tapi pada pandangan sesetengah orang pula, anda adalah seorang yang dingin dan ?alim?.
3. Kategori Beremosi
Anda tetap tidak dapat mengulangkaji pelajaran? Orang dikategori ini ingin menjaga kesemua aspek serentak. Oleh itu, pandai-pandailah membuat pilihan yang tepat!
4. Kategori Kerja atau Membaca Buku Diutamakan
Pada pendapat anda, percintaan berada di tempat kedua. Walaupun sudah berkahwin, anda tetap menganggap pekerjaan adalah penting. Orang kategori ini akan berkerja keras untuk pekerjaan atau persekolahannya. Dia juga seorang yang berdikari dan sangat tegas.
Test 4: Uji Penarik Minat Anda
Ini adalah psiko test untuk menguji anda akan tertarik dengan orang yang macam mana.
Katakanlah dunia telah dijajah oleh makhluk asing, kalau anda hanya boleh menyelamatkan sejenis binatang untuk lari ke planet lain. Berikut yang mana satukah yang akan anda pilih?
A. Arnab
B. Kambing
C. Rusa
D. Kuda
A. Arnab: Mempunyai luaran yang serius dan dingin tapi dalam hati adalah seorang yang peramah
B. Kambing: Sangat jujur dan dapat mengikut kehendak orang lain
C. Rusa: Anggun dan seorang yang sangat bersopan-santun
D. Kuda: Seorang yang inginkan hidup bebas
Test 5: Are you a DEVIL??
You are 'Devil'!? Oh?..tidak?.. Pernahkah anda dianggap sebagai 'Devil'?? Adakah anda telah menjadi 'Devil' pada pandangan orang lain? Mari kita uji indeks 'Devil' kita!
Q1: Adakah anda akan makan lauk kesukaan anda terlebih dahulu ketika makan?
YES --> ke Q2 NO --> ke Q3
Q2: Adakah anda akan mencari ikhtiar untuk beli barangan yang anda inginkan walaupun mahal?
YES --> ke Q4 NO --> ke Q6
Q3: Anda harap menjadi kucing kalau teraksa berubah menjadi binatang peliharaan?
YES --> ke Q5 NO --> ke Q7
Q4: Adakah anda sering main kayu tiga?
YES --> ke Q6 NO --> ke Q7
Q5: Adakah anda selalu terima hadiah daripada orang lain (berlainan jantina)?
YES --> ke Q8 NO --> ke Q10
Q6: Pernahkah kenalan yang tidak rapat melafazkan cinta pada anda?
YES--> ke Q8 NO --> ke Q10
Q7: Adakah anda selalu dipuji muda?
YES --> ke Q10 NO --> ke Q9
Q8: Adakah selalu terdapat orang yang menghulurkan bantuan pada anda?
YES --> ke Q9 NO --> ke Q11
Q9: Adakah anda mempunyai konsep kewangan?
YES --> ke Q12 NO --> ke Q15
Q10: Adakah anda seorang yang mempunyai pendirian sendiri?
YES --> ke Q13 NO --> ke Q14
Q11: Adakah anda susah untuk menolak permintaan orang lain?
YES --> ke Q15 NO --> ke Q14
Q12: Anda mempunyai minat yang luas, tapi hanya hangat2 tahi ayam?
YES--> ke Q15 NO --> keQ16
Q13: Anda bukanlah sangat cantik/kacak, tetapi sangat cool?
YES --> ke Q18 NO --> ke Q17
Q14: Adakah anda suka mengacau orang lain?
YES --> ke Q20 NO --> ke Q16
Q15: Adakah anda memilih dengan teliti hadiah apabila beli untuk orang lain?
YES --> ke Q19 NO --> ke Q17
Q16: Adakah anda jalan lebih laju apabila berjalan dengan kawan yang berlainan jantina?
YES --> ke Q19 NO --> ke Q20
Q17: Adakah anda tidak suka makanan yang digoreng?
YES --> ke Q20 NO --> ke Q19
Q18: Adakah anda berpendapat kecantikan wanita tidak hanya dinilai dari segi fizikal saja?
YES --> ke Q19 NO --> ke Q20
Q19: Adakah anda seorang yang lembab?
YES --> Jenis B NO --> Jenis A
Q20: Adakah anda merasai diri adalah seorang yang sangat peramah?
YES --> Jenis D NO --> Jenis C
A: Indeks Devil ialah 90%
Anda adalah seorang yang mengejar sesuatu yang baru. Anda selalu memberi perhatian kepada sesuatu yang baru. Anda membelanjakan sejumlah wang ringgit ke atasnya. Anda sangat takut digelar seorang yang kolot dan ketinggalan zaman. Anda cepat jemu akan sesuatu yang lama, begitu juga dalam soal percintaan. Dalam pandangan kekasih anda adalah seorang ?evil?.
B: Indeks Devil ialah 70%
Anda adalah seorang yang berkeyakinan akan fizikal dan batin anda. Anda adalah seorang yang sangat popular. Anda pandai menonjolkan keistimewaan diri dan sangat mendapat sambutan di kalangan kawan berlainan jantina. Tapi anda telah mempergunakan mereka yang minat akan anda. Kalau anda tidak suka akan dia, lebih baik terus terang memberitahunya.
C: Indeks Devil ialah 50%
Kesejahteraan, aman dan tenang adalah prinsip anda. Anda mudah puas hati dan tidak banyak mempertikaikan hal yang remeh-temeh. Jadi anda tidak buat sesuatu yang berisiko dan anda tidak yakin. Paras rupa anda adalah normal tapi mempunyai personality yang baik dan mendapat kepercayaan dari orang disekelilingnya.
D: Indeks Devil ialah 30%
Anda seorang yang matang dan serius. Anda tidak mengambil jalan singkat untuk mencapai matlamat anda. Disebabkan faktor ini jugalah orang lain menganggap anda adalah seorang yang degil. Anda kena berhati2 dengan perhubungan dengan orang lain. Anda sangat setia dalam percintaan. Oleh itu, anda akan berfikir masak2 sebelum menerima si dia.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
1. voiss - oh ni nyawa student unitar...segala notes,assignments,announcement sume ade kat
2. webmail - check email unitar mane tau kot-kot ade pape yg penting
3. yahoo mail - nih check email la...
4. blogger - ni utk hupdate hidup harian aku yg amat dull nih
5. forum cari - nih wajib aku masuk...samada aku just jenguk atopon aku pon tumpang meroyan
6. notasi sherry - menyelami hidup sehari-hari sherry buat aku lebih menghargai keunikan
seseorang...setiap org ade kelebihan dan kekurangan mcm aku jugak...dr
notasi sherry aku singgah ke blog org lain plak...
7. blog chibouqui - aku suke cara akak(erk akak kot hehe) ni bercerita mengenai pengalaman
harian dia...mcm aku pulak berada kat tempat dia...syiOk
8. blog lea laurielle - aku rasa dia cun (aar sorang lagi ava goddess tp aku jarang masuk blog
dia)...very the perempuan la muke diorang aku yg tamparan wanita ni pon
muke tak secun diorang....suke baca blog dia sbb aku tau mengenai drag
dan etc...knowledge nih..ehhehe...
9. friendster - aku masuk hari-hari sbb nak tgk jenguk acc fs org len..sonok tgk gamba
org..pandai betol org mesia nih posing...mcm gini mcm gitu ihiks...
10. hmetro - ntah nape aku suke baca sokaba nih
11. utusan - nih aku baca sume berita....memule aku takleh masuk baca berita sukan,business
tp aku paksa dan skarang aku enjoy membaca nya...yela takmo la aku di cop tau
berita pasal artis je..hehehehe
12. bharian- yg ni pon same gak....sonok membaca sbb boleh beza dua sokaba berlainan akan
ade berita yg sama tp info yg sikit berbeza,i wonder why...oh ye..aku rasa mungkin
perception penulis a tak sama ngn perception penulis b...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
at last!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
tak abis-abis dan tak penah abis
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Hmm...so true lar
You're restless, but at the same time you don't want to stir up any trouble. Try poking through your old stuff to see if you can make something new out of it. Get a friend to help.
Some people think they understand you, but you know that very few actually get you. Fortunately, your sweetheart is one of those. Strengthen your bonds. It's such a lovely thing to feel truly understood.
It's not an auspicious time to start new things, but it's a great time to restart old ones. If there's an ex who deserves a second chance, ring them up and see where things lead.
no tepon
updated:aku rasa nak tuka phone number...eh silap aku nak beli no baru...